Tuesday 10 June 2014

Glasses help me to see, and appear to be directly linked with my brain function!

I can't find my glasses.
I can't think without them! I can use my iPad if up close,but I can't see a thing when walking around the house.
I feel lost, vague, confused and ..... Unable to think!

I am home sick with a rotten cold, but I would like to see well enough to watch some tv in my PJs. 

If anyone finds my glasses, please hand them to me. They were last seen on my bedside table, but not there now. I've fumbled around looking for them, but they aren't here. I'm wondering if a sneaky thief stole them so I couldn't identify the thief when they come back to pinch everything else. 
Or, perhaps they grew legs! 

And yes, I've looked in lots of places, but I can't see to find them. Do you see (hmmph, bad pun) my dilemma?!? What about my glasses?

Wednesday 4 June 2014

I would judge me

I realised today that while I try to never say anything judgmental, and try to see everyone as individual, that as a human I make judgments.  I know, hardly rocket science, we all do this, but I hadn't realised the little ways I was doing so each day.

What prompted this? I was waiting for the lift in a car park. Waiting for the lift, with a great reason. Rather than taking the stairs as usual. And I watched others head to the stairwell to begin their climb, and felt a sudden need to justify my need for the lift. To explain that I am not lazy. That I'd take the stairs if I could, but that I can't just now.

Why did I feel this? I felt this need to justify my choice, my decision, because I have looked at others at times, as I walked towards the stairs. I have looked at them and wondered why they weren't taking the stairs. I know I do this, because I also try to work out a good reason for them to make this choice. A reason like they are pregnant, carrying lots of bags, older, frail, disabled. I do this as though I have a right to question this choice, as though I am superior, in a sense, than them if they take the lift when I take the stairs.

This bothers me. I would have judged me. I'm a relatively fit woman of mumble-mumble years (no embarrassment, just that I don't feel the need to share my age widely with people I may not know - there, I did it again!!) who is overweight, and I know if I had walked past someone like me I would have made a judgment. I would have wondered why they (I) didn't climb the stairs to add a little extra activity for the day, that they (me) looked like I could use the exercise and was probably being lazy.

Now at no point would I ever say this to someone, but I would have thought it. I'm not sure how I feel about this, except to say it embarrasses me. I take the stairs because, usually, I can. I see it as some activity to bookend a work day which can be too sedentary. I often walk at lunch for the same reason. These are my choices, and I'm glad I do this, but it isn't my place to judge anyone.

As an aside, my reason for not taking the stairs sucks. I won't share today because it would be like justifying my reason, explaining away to others, as though they have a right to question or judge me for my life choices. So I won't share this right now. I will however share this. I apologise to all whom I have judged harshly, even if only for a second. Even if I'm pretty sure they never knew about my judgment. And particularly if they did notice something about my glance. I'm sorry. I am going to work harder at focusing on my choices, being okay with my life, doing what feels good and right and fun and safe and worth it for me. I will do this so that I'm too busy working on myself to focus on judging others. Oh, and I'll try to not judge myself too harshly either.